#American Horror Story x reader
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Macabre Monster - ,, yandere pre & post death Kyle Spencer
tw(s): yandere themes, mentions of suicide (Kyle), Madison's sa mentioned, Kyle's boundaries being crossed (not by reader), Kyle's trauma (non-descriptive)
✧ Both you and Kyle attended the same campus. That is where it all started. You both attended the same party. Kyle was slightly intoxicated when he met you. You were standing in the corner awkwardly with the distinctly red solo cup. You both got to talking, and something just clicked. You made your way to a backroom in the absolutely trashed frat house and just talked. You practically spilled out your guts on each other. Kyle told you everything—how his father died at a young age, how he had to take up the role of'man of the house', all of the trauma sounding to him and his mother. After that day, there was just a connection with you. Call it a sort of codependent need for intimacy. He never had someone healthy to just hang around. He needed that; he craved it with his very being. So what's so wrong with letting that little bud of codependency flower into an entire garden of obsession?
✧ From that day forward, the two of you were practically inseparable. He got your number and texted you all the time. He invited you out to places. He gave you a bunch of gifts and trinkets. He drank and danced with you. He even did a really bad rendition of “Is This Love” by Whitesnake. You guys may have kissed once, twice, or three times, but you just seemed fine not putting a label on it. You still flirted with people and went out on dates. Kyle still partied with his frat brothers and went with the flow.
✧ As the months passed and your friendship grew, strange things started happening. Certain items of yours went missing. You'd get drunk, forget to take off your make-up, and wake up with it completely off and your entire skincare routine done. Your messy dorm became neat and tidy. Sometimes you'd even feel someone playing with your hair or massaging you in your sleep. You thought that they were all just tricks of your mind.
✧ One thing that definitely was not a trick of your mind was when you read Kyle's mind for the first time. 'They're so slammin'. You blinked in surprise and kind of gave him a weird look. He continued on with the conversation, but more weird things kept popping into your head. 'I wanna kiss them.' 'I wonder if they got my gift.' 'I should probably sort their clothing again.' 'I'm so lucky to have them in my life. They are a total catch.' It disturbed you. That was the day you learned you had magical abilities. You were shipped off to Miss Robichaux's Academy.
✧ You didn't see him for a long time. It felt like a long time. It was really only three and a half weeks. For those three and a half weeks, Kyle was a mess. He turned your dorm upside down, but most of your belongings were gone. He had a panic attack and sat on the floor of your room and bawled his eyes out. He frantically texted you only to get a 'unable to send text' message over and over and over again, no matter how many times he tried. He tried over a hundred. He passed out in your room and missed his classes that day. He gathered what was left of your things and hoarded them in his room. He asked about you, and they said absolutely nothing. They wouldn't tell him anything. He was on the verge of offing himself.
✧ That was until he saw you at the party. You had grown a bit in your abilities. You were still barely able to keep everyone's thoughts out of your head, but Nan helped you a bit. You had gone to the party with Madison and Zoe. You hadn't expected to be scooped up by Kyle and dragged into the back of the house. He kind of just pulled you into a hug and sobbed. You weren't sure how long it was. The one time you wanted to read his thoughts, you couldn't. Your ears were too busy hearing all of your blood rushing, as well as his and everybody else's in the house.
✧ The rest of it was almost a blur. You both discovered Madison being assaulted. She must have had her drink spiked. All of the frat brothers were 'taking their turn with her'. No, not Kyle. Not your Kyle. He stepped in and chased them off. The next thing you knew, you were standing with Zoe, and the frat bus was driving off. Madison flipped it over with her abilities, and suddenly your entire world was crashing down. Neither of them went towards the bus. You did. You ran towards it and collapsed on the ground. You could feel only two people breathing. Neither of them matched Kyle's breath.
✧ The next week, you were so closed off and depressed that Madison graced you with the ability to get your little 'boyfriend', as she had dubbed him, back. You were morally against it, but Zoe argued that it was the right thing to do. All three of you completed the ritual. While you weren't exactly thrilled with practically selling your soul to the devil, you were strangledly excited to see your closest friend again.
✧ When it seemingly didn't work, Madison left without both you and Zoe. Zoe hid behind you when Kyle came to life and attacked the security guard. No matter what you tried to do, he wouldn't let go of you. He only aimlessly grunted and kept his hands securely around you. He held you desperately, animalistically. It was like it was the only thing he remembered how to do. Which is strange because you only cuddled with Kyle—well, a lot, actually, now that you think about it.
✧ You had to stay with Misty when you tried to drop him off to get healed. He had an entire breakdown and nearly destroyed her shack because you tried to leave him. You told Zoe to just brush off your disappearance by saying that you were visiting a relative in town. If anybody had a problem with it, they could kiss your ass for all you cared. You had Kyle back. His health is all that matters to you.
✧ You managed to slip back to the academy while both were asleep. You managed to use a sleeping spell you had learned to cure your insomnia. Only you made it much stronger, so neither would be aware of your absence until you had already left. You weren't aware of Zoe's plans to bring Kyle back to his mother— If you can call her that. You also weren't aware of how distraught he was when he woke up, and you weren't in his arms. Neither Misty, nor Zoe, nor the person who birthed him could calm him down. He was worriedly grunting the entire time. He paced and searched around every corner of whatever he could touch to find you. He looked like a lost puppy, walking in circles in search of his owner.
✧ Post-death Kyle has an oral fixation. He's like a toddler. Anything that can fit in his mouth will go in it. That includes you. He likes gently nibbling or just licking your skin. It gives him a sense of comfort and security. It also lights up that part of his mind that reminds him of when he gave you hickeys once. The first time Fraken Kyle accidentally gave you one, he was both pleased and freaked out. After you assured him that you were okay, he kept doing it. You have to teach him not to give you hickeys and small bruises. He doesn't listen. As long as it isn't hurting you physically, he'll continue to do it. Not because his mind is muddled, but because he's just that possessive over you. It's a way to mark you as his. The more primitive part of his brain needs that; it needs you to be his.
✧ He has a multitude of issues with his body and the way it is. He often cowers away from you when he is naked and does his best to cover himself up. His fingers awkwardly trace the scars and the tattoos. He tries to tear his flesh off because he hates it so much. It isn't his body, quite literally. Frat boy Kyle never did anything like that. You even think that sometimes he flaunted his body to you on purpose. No, now you have to be the one to gently coax him out of his shell. With each kiss and loving word, another one of those mental wounds is being stitched up and healed.
✧ All of those issues became especially clear when you rushed to Kyle's previous home. Zoe had already gotten there before you. You both found what was left of his mother on the carpet. It made you furious to think of what would have caused Kyle to have a reaction like this. He came into his old room whining like a starved animal. He was sobbing and could only utter two words over and over again. 'No leave, no leave, no leave.' Zoe was horrified at the scene of Kyle's dead family member. She went to go cook you all something, and you were just stuck with Kyle. Not that you minded. You almost felt a little possessive of him now—overprotective. He's still himself, and yet he's different now.
✧ He refused to wash off the blood without you. Post-death Kyle always does that. You think it's because he believes you protect him from the mental scars that his mother gave him. It's partly that, but it's also partly something else. There are still parts of this brain that work and are able to scheme. He just wants to feel your body close to his. He just wants to take care of you. Just like before the accident. He doesn't consciously understand why he is doing this. He just knows that it has to be this way. It's like there are two different Kyle's pulling at his new version of him: the yandere one and the traumatized inner child of his.
✧ He pulls you in a lot of directions. He does it harshly if you don't want to go with him. He'll just haul you around as well. You are standing one moment, and the next you are being bridled by Kyle down the street. You both left Zoe, and you couldn't convince him to go back, much less get out of his vice grip. For an undead man, he sure gained a lot of strength.
✧ He brought you both to an abandoned arcade, which the both of you would hide in sometimes. The owners couldn't pay rent, so they closed up shop. They left everything there, so people often broke in to steal parts from the machines and fool around. He vaguely remembered the place. His mind cannot remember exactly memories and reasons but feelings. This place felt good, and his old house felt bad. So he took you here, and now he feels perfect.
✧ His speech is basically nothing in the beginning. As time goes on, he develops a greater ability to communicate his words. That's why you often end up reading his mind instead. It's like wading through the swamp that Misty lived in. His mind has three different tracks: feelings, broken thoughts, and future actions. All three clash with each other because they are in various stages of regaining normalcy. He thinks in broken sentences, and sometimes it feels like he knows that you are able to read his mind. With things he seemingly doesn't want you to know, he whispers them within his mind. They get lost in translation. It's like that fog in his mind is purposely keeping you away from certain actions, thoughts, or feelings he has.
✧ His mood is dependent on your mood. You first learned this when you brought him back to the academy. You locked both him and yourself in your room. You couldn't hold back the tears, and you broke down. You were just so fucking sick of everything. Sick of this house. Sick of the other witches. Sick of your powers. You just wanted the Kyle you knew back. They just went and revived him—he wanted to be an engineer. Now he's a Frakenstines monster built back with the parts of his shitty frat brothers. You guys didn't even label what you had.
✧ You were so busy crying that you didn't realize Kyle was sobbing as well. He had curled up next to you and just started crying. When you stopped, he slowly quieted down. He brought you into an awkward cuddle on the dusty floor of your room. You almost wanted to laugh. Kyle was always like that. If you were crying, he'd pick you up in a hug and start humming something from Toto or Nirvana. He'd make really bad jokes and show you silly faces. It almost mirrored now. Kyle was trying to do something to a silly face. It looked more like he was gonna start growling at you. It made you chuckle a bit. Even now, he could make you feel better.
✧ That was only one way in which he mimicked your moods—mimicks you. He's much more prone to outbursts when you are angry or frustrated. If you slam your palms on the table out of irritation, he'll do the same. Only he'll accidentally break the table. That's happened more times than you'd care to admit. The coven is going to need a separate fund to just pay for the stuff Kyle breaks.
✧ Your habits and routine are what also help him regain some of his independence. He watches you with a keen eye. He imitates most everything you do. Of course, his actions are clumsy, and sometimes he breaks things, but he still tries his best. Frat Kyle would do that as well to tease you. He'd tease you out of bad habits such as biting your nails or forgetting to drink water. He nearly shoved a water bottle down your throat during your study hall when you casually confessed to him that you hadn't drank anything all day.
✧ That's the thing about people, right? They always surprise you. Zoe knocked you out and dragged Kyle down to the greenhouse to chain him up. She did. Madison returned. It's like death means nothing to these people. All of those memories with Kyle are yours. He remembers those feelings he had for you. Which is why it's so hard for you to be around him. He's just someone who needs someone. That someone just happened to be you.
✧ It's a good thing that little miss 'I'm going to save him' didn't kill him down there. He probably would have killed her if she really tried. He escaped and ran up to your room. He refused to move from your body until you woke up. You were the one put in charge of caring for him. Well, nobody else really could. You are the only one who is able to untangle his mind. You could still see Kyle in there. You saw almost every part of him. Everybody around him just took, took, took. You're the only one he'd let take from him anymore.
✧ He developed a habit of touching your temples whenever he wanted to really, really tell you something or communicate. It was kind of cute. He looks up at you with those doe eyes and just concentrates really hard on thinking correctly. When you respond, he lights up and bounces on the balls of his feet. It was cute until it wasn't. Sometimes the thoughts you heard from him kept you up at night.
'Kill everyone... for... you. You mine. Like before. Remember?'
'Steal stuff of yours. Keep it. Home. You.'
'Massage you like before. When sleeping. Adorable— adorable sleeper.'
'Scars. Scars like mine. Hurt you. Scars like mine. All get scars like mine.'
'Party together. Two. Us. Booze. Ex-boy dead. Me. Did it. So party. Us. Two. Only.'
✧ You didn't truly understand why he would think those things or act this way. You did understand it a little the day Zoe and Madison tried to make him a glorified sex doll. At that point, not even glorified. You knew all the things Kyle had been through. You constantly have heard his mind. When Madison started touching him like that the earth trembled beneath you, quite literally. The entire state shook. You may or may not have accidentally absorbed some of Kyle's emotions. So when Madison did that you just about wanted to tear her head off. Kyle gave you a scared, confused look.
'Good feeling? Bad feeling? Help, please.'
She was lucky to have been revived from the dead once. You were itching to put her back under. That scared you, but it also made you feel safe. Kyle always stood up for you when people made you uncomfortable. You never really had the chance to do it for him because he wouldn't let you. When you absorbed his feelings you really felt him. It was intoxicating. It's safe to say Kyle put his fingers on your temple and asked you a lot of questions about that encounter.
✧ Kyle asks a lot of questions. It's part of you teaching him how to remember himself. Some of those things are best left not remembered. Some of the questions are appropriate and some of them are not. You still remember him asking if you two ever did it. He asks a lot of questions about all of the witch and magic stuff. It is what he was most curious about before he died. After all, you just disappeared on him. He almost killed himself because of that. He ended up dead anyway. The irony is lost on him, but not on you.
'Magic? You?'
"I can read minds, remember? That's how we communicate. I've also learned that people's emotions affect me. I can make people feel things— or use their energy to make things happen."
He had a breakdown after that. He remembered you being taken from him. He would never let that happen again. Never.
✧ He's territorial, in case you couldn't tell. He isn't exactly the master of subtly. He grunts and smacks anyone in the house that gets too close to him, except you. He holds everything he loves close to him, including you. He has a bad habit of murdering people you interact with. You'd tried to explain it to him, but he adamantly refused to stop. You aren't naive about what all of this means for you. He isn't exactly in the condition to keep his darkest secrets away from you, mostly. Still, your abilities connect you with his emotions. You can't entirely control it. So you need to be around him just as much as he needs to be around you. You do your best to get him to stop killing people. You truly do. It's just that doe-eyed expression he gives you that makes you give into him every single time.
✧ The tablet you gifted him is the thing he is second-most territorial about. He always keeps it with him. He watches it when it's on the charger. You gave him a protective covering for it and a bag so he could carry it around. It's like his safety item. You have a bunch of games on there to help him learn. You also downloaded things that he liked before his death. You have an entire album of just you and him on that thing. Every time he sees you, he wants to take a new picture of you to put in the album. It makes him remember a little bit more.
✧ He traces the outline of your figure in every photo. You've caught him kissing his tablet with a picture of you on it more times than you'd like to admit. He always gives you this kind of blank but dopey smile afterwards. His pupils are always dilated around you, so it kind of makes him look like he's high. You don't know if the pupil thing is because of his resurrection, something with your magic, or if he is just that obsessed with you. He is just that obsessed with you.
✧ He also decorated the bag you got him with cloth markers. It was an exercise you did to help him with his fine motor skills. It was relaxing until he drew himself with both of you holding hands while everything was on fire around you. That was what you understood of the drawing anyway. You still let him keep it on there. He doesn't let anyone else touch the bag. Nan tried to touch it once, and he nearly bit her fingers off.
✧ You have to teach him to be gentle with others. He's gentle around you, but with anyone else, he has a very high chance of breaking one of their bones. You start off with animals first. They are less confrontational than humans and are genuinely easier to get alone with. Only he snaps the dog's neck and most every other animal you try to introduce to him. He only stops when he sees you getting upset. His mind immediately filled with shame in those moments. 'No. You plus me. No animals. Sorry. Love you.'
✧ He has a tendency to watch you at night. Just like he secretly did before all of this happened. He crawls into your bed and plays with the strands of your hair. He wraps himself around you tightly. Most of the time, he is the big spoon. He just likes placing his head over yours. He is obsessed with listening to your breathing and the beating of your heart. It reminds him that you are still with him.
✧ He 100% kills any witch hunter within any radius of you. If he hears anything with the word 'witch hunter', he is off searching for that person. Part of him doesn't want to murder, but the other part of him is more than eager to get rid of the person who wanted the coven harmed. He still mostly protects you, but after awhile, he learns to grow a bit more protective of the people you actually like in the coven. He doesn't want to see you in any distress. So protecting those close to you counts. In a dangerous situation he will still save you first. Even though you are more than able to handle yourself, Kyle still does it for you.
✧ Madison still absolutely cannot stand your relationship and close proximity to Kyle. She believes that it should be her who loves him. During the test of concilium, she tried to make Kyle kill you. You sensed something in his brain shut off at that point. That scared inner child was angry, and so was his violently obsessive side. It's like his need for you outweighed any other thought Madison could put in his mind. He didn't kill her then. He waited until she failed. Then he stalked into her room, and well, they never found her body. On some level, everyone knows it was Kyle, but it's left unsaid. That's just one of the many secrets of Kyle's that you will keep with you to the grave.
✧ You may not have completed all of the seven wonders, but you did become one of the new witches on the Witch Council. With Cordelia's blessing and a yandere, semi-functioning Kyle, you both set out across the world to find witches and bring them to safety within the academy's doors. The question remains: will he allow you to do so? Or is his docile behavior just a ruse to hide you away and make you permanently his?
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⟿ taglist: @coentinim @bluerthanvelvet444 @cxndiedvi0lets @doll3tt33 @lacucarachapisser
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#american horror story#ahs coven#kyle spencer#yandere kyle spencer#yandere#kyle spencer x reader#yandere kyle spencer x reader#kyle spencer x you#yandere kyle spencer x you#gn reader#yandere headcanons#ahs headcanons#my headcanons#headcanons and stuff#american horror story x reader#yandere american horror story x reader#ahs fanfiction
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⋆。°✩ yesimwriting's masterlist⋆。°✩
Below the cut is a full list of all my work :) (updated 10-10-23)
*pls limit interactions if you’re a pro ED/ana acc :)*
Final Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
To be continued.
Final Girl fic-verse:
First Impressions
Sick Day
Final Girl fic-verse blurbs:
Drunk Y/N
Stu saying the L word
Billy saying the L word
Little Rituals
Time of Need
Talking about Y/N
Stu’s thoughts about Y/N and POV
Billy Loomis x S/O with Panic attacks
Stu waiting for Y/N and Casual Intimacy
Billy and Stu with S/O who cries a lot
Billy and Stu Scaring Guys Away
People noticing their friendship
Driving with Stu
Ethan Landry
One of Them
Ask about Ethan
Noticing they like Y/N
Joel Miller
First Rule
What Follows
Y/N gets hit on - Protective Joel
Pulling Away
Pulling Away similar story
More Than This
Tate Langdon
Modern day fic
Jason Todd
Slow Nights
Business Practical
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Steve Harrington
Movie Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Times Have Changed
48 Hours
Chapter 1
A Red Widow
This Time it’s Different
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TASM Peter
Domestic Assertiveness
Hobbie Brown
Ask about Hobbie
Bloodroot in the Suburbs
Chapter 1: The Babysitter
Chapter 2: Kill Habits, Not people
Searing Starlight
Searing Starlight Chapter 1
Searing Starlight Chapter 2
Searing Starlight Chapter 3
To be continued.
Kaz Brekker:
Blurb series: The Promise of Rain (i define a blurb series' as a series with shorter chapters where each chapter correlates but can technically be read as a stand alone)
The Promise of Rain (blurb 1).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 2).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 3)
To be continued.
Falling Angels:
Falling Angels Chapter 1
Falling Angels Chapter 2
To be continued.
Anastasia (Prologue)
Bookworm reader
A Knife in the Back
The Darkling:
Solace (part 1)
Solace (part 2).
To Be Alone (smut).
All the Good Dreams (might be getting a part 2)
The Needs of Pain (part 1)_
The Needs of Pain (part 2, smut).
Corridor Moments
darkling x shy! reader HC
Comforting the darkling HC
Playing Vices
Darkling x anxious! Reader
Kirigan x Soft Girls/Similar personality
Crossing Lines
Darkling x Pregnant! Reader
Nikolai Lantsov:
Handmaid reader x nikolai. childhood best friends to
lovers fic
Enemies to lovers Nikolai HC (i'm thinking of making a series based on this
The Problem With Light Chapter One
To be continued.
Maven Calore:
Dying Starlight
#masterlist#scream x reader#final girl fic#scream 1996#billy loomis x reader#stu macher x reader#poly!ghostface x reader#ethan landry x reader#scream VI x reader#the last of us#the last of us x reader#joel miller x reader#starwars#starwars x reader#anakin skywalker#anakin skywalker x reader#ahs x reader#american horror story x reader#tate langdon x reader#DC titans x reader#jason todd x reader#elvis movie x reader#austin butler! elvis x reader#stranger things#stranger things x reader#steve harrington x reader#daredevil#daredevil x reader#spiderman#spiderman x reader
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Darling, My Darling | Jimmy Darling x Reader


Summery: Jimmy is your... well, there's not really a word for this type of relationship just yet. He's nothing but sweet and kind to you. You both love each other but don't exactly know how to communicate that.
Themes: 1950s Romance, Fluff with Slight Angst (sorry Jimmy), Freak Show Romance, Open Ending, Alludes to Sex, Character Cameos, Happens before the season, Kisses (a lot), Lovey Dovey Jimmy (as always), Reader is apart of the Freaks.
Word Count: 1.2k
You groan at the lose of warmth as you feel your lover leave the bed, or whatever you could call the plush seat in his caravan. You reach out, wrapping onto his white beater and pulling him back down.
"Woah, now, sweetheart... I ain't going no where just yet." Jimmy said, placing a kiss on your cheek. "Just getting some water."
"Mhm..." You mumble sleepily, rolling onto your back and groaning. This was definitely not a space meant for more than one person to sleep, or even anyone to sleep at, to be honest. "When is Elsa gonna give you a real bed, dear?"
"Ah, that question again. I don't know babe." He chuckles softly, standing up and walking over to the sink, pouring a glass of water and then returning to the makeshift sleeping spot.
"Does she really expect you to... get well rested in this?" You grumble, sitting up on your elbow. "The thing is highly uncomfortable."
"Not what you were thinking last night, baby." He murmured, pressing a kiss right below your ear, in the spot that makes chills run up ever inch of your body. "-'specially afterwards. In my arms."
You blush softly, watching him as he lays next to you, the glass of water forgotten somewhere that you weren't quite worried about. "Shut up-" before you can get out any more word out, his lips are against yours in a demanding but gentle kiss, effectively doing what you had just told him to do.
His fingers run through your hair as his other hand opens your mouth for you, taking over the space with his own muscle. He laughs softly as you make the slightly whine, deepening the kiss even more to draw out more of those sounds.
His arms wrap around you, biceps slightly stiff as he holds you close, not backing down from the war between your teeth and tongues. It's sloppy, but what isn't with Jimmy? He's an amazing lover, but he's also full of built up emotions that he only ever lets out through... the more intimate parts of your relationship.
You don't complain, however, liking to see that side of him. Finally, he pulls away from the kiss, but only to breath. Panting, eyes boring into yours as his warm breath fans your face, he whispers your name. Before you can respond, his lips are on you again. He kisses gentle kisses on your jaw, cheeks and neck, pulling you impossibly close.
"Jimmy-" You laugh, pushing him away slightly, "Darling..."
"Yes?" He says cheekily, "That's my name, yes." He grins, nuzzling into your neck, peppering it with more kisses.
"You're impossible." You mumble, pulling as far away as you can before his grip stops you. You look into those beautiful brown eyes of his and laugh. "If I didn't love you, I think I'd hate your guts."
"Oh, you wouldn't be the first." He laughs softly, shaking his head before pulling you on top of him. "But you do love me, right?"
"Are you even listening to me?" You giggle softly, pressing your forehead against his. "I just said I did."
"Well, I didn't hear it. Can you tell me again?" He smirks, that stupid cocky one that makes your heart do flips.
You stare down at him, blinking a few times before kissing his cheeks, speaking between each one. "I. Love. You. Jimmy. Darling."
He chuckles softly, leaning into your lips each time they press against his skin. His eyes crinkle with how wide he's smiling, looking up at you as you pull away. Jimmy's arms wrap around your shoulders, hand placed comfortable behind your head as he pulls you back down, connecting your foreheads together once more.
"I love you, too, darling." He murmurs before pressing his lips to yours. He holds you closer, quick to flip your positions. "More than anything. To the moon and back. You're mine." He whispers in your ear, along with other sweet nothings that make you giggle like a school girl.
After your (Jimmy's) usual morning routine of kisses and cuddling and sometimes a little more, you both get up and ready for the day. Of course, You have to sneak out of his caravan so that no one knows exactly what happens in there at night, despite the obvious sounds and shaking.
You run to your own, much smaller temporary home, getting dressed in new clothes and ready for whatever it is your tasked with. Despite how fast word gets around in the Freak Show, no one quite knows about your relationship with Jimmy. Well, most people don't.
"You think I'm blind?" You hear Ethel speak, turning around to see her with er arms crossed.
"Uh... I don't know you're talking about." You say sheepishly, going back to setting up for the show tonight.
"You an' Jimmy." She says bluntly, for your ears only as she looks around. "I see how ye both look at each other. I approve, don't cha worry bout that."
"What?" You quickly say, face of pure shock. "Approve?"
"Oh, yeah, I ain't never seen him more in love with nobody, deary." She laughs softly, patting your back. "I won't tell no one, either. You two love birds do whatever ye want and I would say nothing less you break his heart."
And with that, the bearded lady leaves you, flabbergasted by the conversation you just had. You didn't exactly have a word for your relationship with Jimmy yet, but this just made it a lot more complicated.
Should you... ask him out? Or does he already think you're dating? These questions and more plague your mind as you sweep, clean, and other duties.
You find Jimmy, or rather, he finds you some time later. He drags you towards to ticket area, a goofy smile plastered over his face. "I gotta surprise for you. It's great." He had said. Elsa had bought something for the Valentine's Day season that she said will make so much money.
As you make it to there, you see a box. You walk around to the front side and start to laugh. The sign at the top is cream, with red text the says "Love Tester: Think you're hot stuff? Try it out!" Before you can say anything, Jimmy rolls a nickel into the machine and pulls the lever. The light shots up, stopping on the spot that says "Passionate."
He chuckles lowly, licking his lips as he flips another coin in his hand. "You're turn." He almost growls, hugging you from behind and pushing the coin into the slot, placing his hand over yours and guiding it to the lever.
"What, no, this is stupid-" You say, pulling your hand back and accidentally pulling the lever. The light shots up to the spot just above Jimmy's; Hot Stuff.
His smile is wide as he looks at it, eyes lighting up. "You are hot." He whispers in your ear before grabbing your hand again, another coin in the slot as you both pull the lever. It shoots all the way up, making a loud blaring ding as it plays a sweet tone.
"Uncontrollable." You both say in unison.
Jimmy sways you slightly, holding your hand still as he rests his chin on your shoulder. "That's more like it." He laughs softly. "I love ya, Darling. My Darling."
#ahs#ahs fluff#ahs freakshow#ahs jimmy#ahs x reader#american horror story#american horror story fluff#american horror story freakshow#american horror story x reader#fluff#freakshow#jimmy ahs#evan peters#jimmy darling#jimmy darling x reader#x reader
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Hello! My name is Kandi and I am an aspiring author just looking to share my stories and gain feedback as well as constructive criticism. In order to do so I have created many masterlists for characters I write for to spread my work as much as I possibly can. You can find them all below. I do take requests for the characters listed in these masterlists along with others that may not be listed. Thank you and happy reading!
All of these masterlists will be updated any time a new fic is dropped or in the process of being written.
#american horror story x reader#ahs x reader#criminal minds x reader#harry potter x reader#it x reader#iasip x reader#jackass x reader#marvel x reader#avengers x reader#slashers x reader#shameless x reader#stranger things x reader#ahs#american horror story#criminal minds#harry potter#it#iasip#jackass#marvel#avengers#slashers#shameless#stranger things#masterlist#x reader#gladiator 2 x reader#gladiator 2
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hii <3 have you seen ahs? if so, any thoughts about Tate Langdon? 😔 i’m so down bad
ohhhhh honey I understand your pain. you absoLUTELY came to the right bitch for this one. Tate has a serious, deeply psychological and sexual obsession with you. you're all he talks about in his therapy sessions, you're all he thinks about when he's lying awake at night listening to nirvana and wishing he could sleep. he thinks about the way your skin smells, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile. and he just loves making Ben uncomfortable by talking about all the ways he fantasizes about you, the stuff he thinks of doing to you, the way he jerks off all the fucking time - I'm talking several times a day every day - thinking about you. Extra bonus points if you're a Harmon, and he can make Ben even MORE uncomfy. If he were alive, Tate would live and breathe for you. But since that ship has sailed, he thinks existing for you, haunting these walls and watching you every second of every day like a needy dog. Tate will go into your closet and sniff your clothes, clean or dirty, just to smell the scent of your skin and perfume or cologne. when I say he's down bad, I mean he's down BAD. don't be surprised if you enter your bedroom at any point and find him with one of your shirts or a pair of your underwear pressed up against your face while he ruts into your pillows or mattress. he will just be whining and maybe crying a little while he moans your name over and over, needing you more than he's ever needed anything. and obviously with this level of devotion, say a BIGASS prayer for anyone who messes with you, because god knows they'll need it.
#drabbles#tate langdon#tate langdon x reader#tate langdon drabbles#tate langdon smut#american horror story#american horror story drabbles#american horror story x reader#american horror story smut#ahs murder house#ahs murder house x reader#ahs murder house drabbles#ahs murder house smut#also my dearest darlingest anonniest anon I'm sure you'll be quite pleased to find even more juicy tate thoughts under the tate tags above#as well!!!!#also if anyone's wondering the whole dearest darlingest thing comes from wicked#in the beginning of what is this feeling#“dearest darlingest momsie and popsicle”#yeah
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Fic Schedule Update...
omg I had a few requests come in thank you yall so here is my revised fic schedule as of now:
-Kai Anderson x Reader
For a few years of Kai's childhood, he had Y/N, his protector. She always taught him one thing: Men are scum. But he could be the exception. Fifteen years later, she gets him at his most vulnerable place after the death of his parents, using that to her advantage for her own political agenda. (pretty much extreme blue-pilled Kai)
-James Patrick March x Reader
Part two of "Devil's Night: 1946". Reader's fiance comes searching for her, so James shows him who she really chooses.
-Spencer Reid x Reader
Rossi hosts a party, having to invite Spencer's klepto gf. He doesn't trust her one bit.
-James Patrick March x Reader
Prequel to "Devil's Night: 1946". During intimacy, James suggests trying blood play, tricking reader to drink a sufficient amount of blood to change her into a vampire.
-Spencer Reid x Reader
-Reader is a lawyer who has to work with the BAU for a few cases. She and Spencer don't get along at first but eventually become friends and start to pine for each other. Reader attempts to ask him out but he misunderstands and embarrasses her. After avoiding him, Spencer confronts her demanding answers.
Kit Walker x Reader (PLATONIC)
-Emphasis on PLATONIC. Reader is a nun at Briarcliff that Kit becomes friends with. Shit happens, and she's framed for something she didn't do, about to be relieved of her duties at both the asylum and convent. Kit immediately takes the blame for her. Also if you sexualize nuns, priests, or any religious figure of any religion I don't like you.
The X-Factor Ch.4 (Peter Maximoff x Reader)
Peter Maximoff smut
I get it yall horny af for him me too
Hopefully they'll all be out by the end of next week.
#kai anderson#james patrick march#spencer reid#kai anderson x reader#james patrick march x reader#james march#james march x reader#spencer reid x reader#dr spencr reid#dr spencer reid x reader#evan peters#evan peters x reader#matthew gray gubler#mgg#mgg x reader#criminal minds#criminal minds x reader#american horror story#ahs#ahs x reader#american horror story x reader
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⋆♱ AHS ♱⋆






🕷️fluff | 🕸️angst | 🐈⬛suggestive | 🪦platonic

⋆♱ Tate Langdon ♱⋆
🕷️ • meeting him in the murder house | gn!reader • part two
⋆♱ Violet Harmon ♱⋆
🕷️ • being her best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ ASYLUM ♱⋆
⋆♱ Kit Walker ♱⋆
🕷️ • the first step | x fem!reader
🕸️ • it’s okay to cry | x gn!reader
🕷️ • 🕸️ • home | x gn!reader
⋆♱ COVEN ♱⋆
⋆♱ Kyle Spencer ♱⋆
🕷️ • party party | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Misty Day ♱⋆
🕷️ • listening to fleetwood mac with her | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Nan ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Queenie ♱⋆
🕷️ • being her best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Zoe Benson ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Dandy Mott ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Jimmy Darling ♱⋆
🕷️ • defending him | x gn!reader
⋆♱ HOTEL ♱⋆
⋆♱ James Patrick March ♱⋆
🕷️ • buying him a dog | headcanons | x reader
⋆♱ Tristan Duffy ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ CULT ♱⋆
⋆♱ Ally Mayfair-Richards ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Beverly Hope ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Kai Anderson ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Cordelia Goode ♱⋆
🕸️ • as i watch you die | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Michael Langdon ♱⋆
🕸️ • qui totum vult totum perdit | x gn!reader
🕷️ • halloween party | x gn!reader
🕷️ • trick or treating | x gn!reader
🕷️ • bonfire night | x gn!reader
🕷️ • 5th of November | x gn!reader
🕷️ • new years | x gn!reader
🕷️ • valentines together | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Mr Gallant ♱⋆
🕷️ • being his best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ 1984 ♱⋆
⋆♱ Bobby Richter ♱⋆
🕷️ • 🕸️ • 🪦 • finally | x sibling!reader
⋆♱ Xavier Plympton ♱⋆
🕷️ • i cared too much that it killed me | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Austin Sommers ♱⋆
🕷️ • 🕸️ • saving you from the pale people | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Harry Gardner ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ TB Karen ♱⋆
🕷️ • inspiration | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Valiant Thor ♱⋆
nothing yet





@lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom • @fangsp1der-2099 • @knight-of-flowerss
#american horror story apocalypse#american horror story imagines#american horror story imagine#american horror story#american horror story 1984#american horror story au#american horror story smut#american horror story x reader#ahs cult#ahs coven#ahs hotel#ahs imagines#ahs asylum#ahs imagine#ahs 10#ahs fandom#ahs fanfiction#ahs murder house#ahs#ahs 1984#ahs apocalypse#ahs apocolaypse#ahs death valley#ahs double feature#ahs freakshow#ahs icons#ahs roanoke#ahs smut#ahs spoilers#ahs x reader
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Hiii may I request AHS The Angel of Death comes to reader during the 7 wonders when reader is trapped in her personal hell and instead of taking her to death and her body turning to dust like what happened to misty, the angel decides to save her and guide her back to life. Maybe the reader is in love with madison/michael and her personal hell is watching them die over and over (could be madison or Michael whichever you'd rather write) ♡
The Kiss of Life
Madison Montgomery x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death & dying, blood, cussing, a little suggestive in the end
Word Count: 1,762
A/N: I know the Angel doesn't technically kiss Reader, but I thought the title sounded too fun to pass up.
You had no idea how long it had been.
It could have been hours, days, or years, you had no clue.
But each time, it felt just as bad as the first.
You were pinned against the wall, some unseen force holding you up so tightly, you could feel the pins in your skin.
But that wasn't the worst of it. You'd happily take any type of physical pain over the emotional torture you were subjected to over and over again.
You knew your love for Madison would get you into trouble. You tried so hard to fight the feelings and to just let it all go, but it was impossible.
The day she disappeared, you could have sworn you died.
The tears, the broken voice, the screaming... it was all you could do to silence the grief taking over your body.
You spent so many nights trying to find some God forsaken way to bring her back, even contemplating dark magic in order to do so.
But thankfully, they found a way. And you swore that you owed them your life for doing so.
She was back, and yet, you still didn't have the courage to confess to her all of the things you promised you would if you ever got to see her again.
Even in this hell, you could still remember the last words she spoke to you. The way her hand barely grazed yours as you laid in your bed, just staring up at the ceiling talking about everything and nothing all at once.
You were the only one she was willing to truly confide in.
She had turned to face you, her lips so close to you that you could feel her breath against your cheek.
"You're different, you know?"
You could feel the heat rising in your face.
"How so?"
She smiled, a real smile, not one of those fake ones she pulled out on the red carpet or for some photo. The genuine smile that you would have sacrificed your life to see every day.
"You really see me," she had responded softly, her eyes wandering your face.
You should have told her in that moment. You should have, because maybe then, you wouldn't have to be going through this torture.
She always came to you, tears streaming down her face as she looked at you.
"Oh my god, are you okay?!" she basically screamed, trying to rush over to you.
And each time, you would tell her to run, to get away. After the first moment in this hell, you knew what would happen.
Some darkness would begin to approach her, enveloping her and the room until there was no more light. You'd cry, beg, scream, doing everything in your power to release whatever had its hold on you.
But it was never enough.
Within a blink, Madison's arm was ripped apart right at the scar, her cries and blood covering you in an instant.
"No! No, please stop!" you'd yell at the darkness.
Madison would just look up at you, utter shock and horror painting her face as she stared with wide eyes.
"I-I love you," she'd croak.
And before you could even get a chance to respond, the scar on her throat would tear itself open, draining the life out of her body as you watched her fade to nothing.
You had no chance to save her, not even enough time to tell her you loved her too. Even in hell, you weren't given the opportunity to tell her just how much she meant.
It was probably the millionth time when things finally changed.
You could hear the footsteps like always, but something was different about them.
The normal rushing clack of heels were replaced by a steady beat, no sign of urgency in the sound.
And that’s when you saw her.
It wasn’t Madison, you knew that even before you saw her face, it was someone or something else.
“My dear, you’ve been kept here for far too long, hmm?” she hummed. Her voice was as delicate as a feather.
“W-who are you?” you rasped.
She approached even closer, a small smile on her face.
“Consider me a friend.”
It was then that you heard the fluttering, a familiar beat that resembled some sort of dream. It was then, that you knew.
“You’re the one, aren’t you? The Angel of Death," you breathed in, "The one some pray to and others fear.”
Tears began to spill once more over your dampened face. You were unsure if they were from relief or fear, however.
"You make me sound like some sort of God," she chuckled. "I promise, I am not much different from you."
You didn't know what to feel at that moment. A part of you was so happy to finally see something different and to finally be relieved of this torture. However, the other half of you felt pained. This meant the end, and you would never live out your life as you planned it, never get to see the one person you loved again.
It was as if she could hear your thoughts as her gaze sympathized with yours.
"I summoned you, didn't I?" your voice wavered. "Death would be a release from this prison... I c-can't take it anymore," you sobbed out.
Her shoes clacked against the ground as her hand reached out to your cheek.
She just looked at you, and the anticipation was becoming deafening.
"Just kiss me. Let me move on. Any place is better than this."
She smiled.
"My dear, now is not your time."
Your brows furrowed as you took in her words.
Suddenly, the invisible force released you, your body collapsing to the hard ground beneath you.
"I-I don't understand."
You tried to lift yourself only to fall once again.
The angel was quick to help you, guiding you as you finally found your footing.
"I am here to send you back to your life, not relinquish you from it. It's time for you to go home."
You stared back in disbelief.
"But why?" you whispered.
She began to walk with you still holding her arm.
"Call it... unfinished business, if you like."
Each step you took seemed to get brighter and brighter, a white light beginning to drown out the same stone walls you had been surrounded by for an eternity.
Just before the light became too much, the angel stopped walking and turned to face you once more.
"She's waiting for you."
Her voice sounded faint, distant. You could almost chalk it up to the sound of the wind.
"Thank you," you called out to the void, the bright light taking over everything.
And then you awoke with a gasp, your body laying flat on its back.
You immediately sat up and began to cough. Your lungs felt like they had went unused for hours.
The next sensation was all the noise filling your ears as shouts and hurried footsteps came from all around you.
You looked up and saw them. The Coven. The family of witches you never thought you'd see again.
They all stared at you in disbelief, some even questioning their own sanity in that moment. You, yourself, were even wondering if this was all real or not.
But then you saw her.
She ran up to you, her eyes watering and her lips pursed as she tried to hold the tears in.
"Oh my God!" she cried out, "I never thought I'd see you again."
Madison threw her arms around you, not giving any care in the world that everyone was there to witness her vulnerability. That concern went out the window the moment you left her. You couldn't even begin to understand how much she needed you.
Everyone began to crowd around, hugging you and crying into each other as they finally felt whole again.
It was only after a few moments of this that they began to break apart, each one going to run a bath, fetch food, make tea, and do just about everything to welcome you back in the best way they were able to. And for that, you were grateful. But the one thing you truly had your focus on was still there, holding onto you as if you would disappear once more.
"Don't you ever do this shit to me again," she cried into your neck.
"I wouldn't dream of it," you half-laughed in response.
She finally pulled away and looked at you seriously.
"I'm not fucking joking. You don't have any clue what I went through while you were gone. I had nobody."
You looked back at her.
"Madison, I need to tell you something."
You finally broke. After everything you went through, there was no way in hell you were going to just keep everything hidden anymore. Life was too unpredictable, and you had no idea how much time you two were going to have together after everything that had happened.
"Don't tell me this isn't real. I don't think I could take another fucking-"
"I love you."
The words immediately died on her tongue.
"You what?" her eyes widened.
"I was stuck in my own personal hell for who knows how long, and you know what it was? It was you, dying over and over again in front of my damn eyes. And I couldn't do anything about it," you breathed in. "When we found out you had been killed, I told myself that if I ever got the chance to see you again, I would tell you how I felt. And yet, I couldn't fucking do it. Now I'm back, and after everything I went through, I realized that I can't lie to you anymore. I love you, Madison. I have literally forever now."
Her lips were slightly parted, her gaze unblinking as she looked at you.
Her hand reached out then, brushing against your cheek.
"Took you long enough," she replied suddenly.
She then slammed her mouth against yours, kissing you with a hungered ferocity that you would have never expected from her.
You kissed back immediately, realizing that even your wildest dreams couldn't have compared to how it actually felt to be this close to her, her fingers intertwined in your hair.
She all too quickly broke away from the kiss, suddenly standing and beginning to walk away.
Before you could even gather your thoughts, she stopped and turned around.
"Come on. We have a lot of time to make up for," she winked, continuing to make her way up to your room.
#american horror story#american horror story imagines#american horror story one shot#american horror story preference#american horror story x reader#ahs fanfiction#ahs one shot#ahs fandom#ahs x reader#ahs#madison montgomery#madison montgomery x reader#ahs coven#american horror coven
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No female reader
No female characters
This is all gay shit
Seriously, I won’t be answering shit like ‘x fem!reader’ or anything
Might do FTM reader
I do poly!couples (from the same fandom)
I do angst, fluff, suggestive, headcannons, imagines, fics and such
Metal Family (Dee, Glam)
Tokyo Ghoul (Uta, Nishio, Juuzou, Shuu, Ayato)
Twilight (Carlisle, Jasper, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Emmett, Alec)
Vampire Diaries (Damon, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Finn)
Horror (Predator, Michael, Ghostface (Billy and Stu), Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Deacon Frost, Eric Draven, Leatherface, Pyramid Head, Hannibal, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out.
The Boys (Homelander, Black Noir, Lamplighter, The Deep)
Kingsman (Agent Whiskey)
Creepypasta (Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, EJ, LJ, Jason the Toymaker, Bloody Painter, Ticci Toby, Candy Pop, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out
Resident Evil (Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy)
Spider-Man (Hobie, Pavitr, Miguel)
Call of Duty (Ghost, König)
American Horror Story (James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Tate Langdon, Dandy Mott)
Obey Me (Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathan, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos)
Helluva Boss (Moxxie, Blitzø, Stolas, Striker, Fizzaroli, Asmodeus)
Other: Le Chiffre, Howl Pendragon, Jonathan Crane, SCPs, Billy Hargrove, Sally Face…
If a specific character isn’t here, please feel free to ask but be aware that I may either not know the character or dislike writing for them!
#the boys#metal family x reader#tokyo ghoul x reader#twilight x reader#creepypasta x reader#male!reader#male reader#call of duty x reader#american horror story x reader#obey me x reader#slashers x reader#howl x reader#stranger things x reader#resident evil x reader#vampire diaries x reader#agent whiskey x reader#sally face x reader#x reader#reader insert#x male reader#Male reader insert#scp fandom#helluva boss x reader
208 notes
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Insomniac // Tate Langdon
request: not sure if i already requested this butttt could you write tate langdon x reader w insomnia like him js comforting you n holding you in bed as you cry from exhaustion n frustration from not being able to sleep - or som along those lines of reader w insomnia? 💛
prompts: none
summary: no matter what you try, you just can't seem to fall asleep. your boyfriend, tate, tries his best to comfort you.
warnings: not proofread
word count: 512
a/n: i know this is shorter than what i usually write, but i've had some difficulty with motivation so i figured that i would at least try! i'm gonna do my best to write more. even though they might not be as long, i promise i will still put the same amount of effort it!
You groan in frustration as you roll onto your back, staring at the dark ceiling above you. It’s been hours of tossing and turning, hoping that you would eventually drift off to sleep. But the peaceful release of rest and dreams never came. It never does. Night after night you’d lie awake, wishing and praying to fall asleep for even a few minutes. Waiting and waiting for relief from this utter exhaustion that never seemed to come.
Sometimes you were lucky, passing out from exhaustion after trying to fall asleep. You’d wake up in the morning still tired, but at least still able to function. However, with the way things were going tonight, it didn’t look like you were going to fall asleep anytime soon. You were completely drained, needing nothing more than a few hours of sleep. But despite how tired you were, you remained wide awake. And it just made you even more upset.
You sat up, reaching behind you to grab your pillow. Burying your face in it, you let out a frustrated scream. Before you realized it, tears were falling from your eyes. You clutched your pillow to your chest, sobbing in utter frustration and misery. Why were you like this? Why couldn’t you just fall asleep like everyone else did? Why did life feel the need to torture you so?
“Hey, what’s wrong? Why’re you crying?” a gentle voice from beside you said.
You didn’t even need to lift your head to know it was your boyfriend, Tate. You felt the bed dip beside you, a pair of comforting arms wrapping around you. He pulled the pillow out of your grip and you leaned against his chest, holding him tightly.
“Can’t sleep,” your voice muffled from your face being buried in his chest.
He frowned slightly, his hand rubbing your back softly. “Again? I’m sorry baby.”
You cried into his chest, all your pent up emotions spilling out. Tate didn’t mind. He didn’t say anything while you sobbed, just continuing to hold you as you let everything out. Your hands gripped the fabric of his sweater tightly, trying to ground yourself to him.
“Why am I like this? Why can’t I just fall asleep? It’s so easy for everyone else,” you whispered, voice shaking from your tears.
“I don’t know, baby. I just wish I knew how to help you. It hurts me to see you suffer like this,” he replied, still holding you against him.
“You are helping, Tate. Just you being here helps. It makes me feel better. You make me feel better.”
He smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. The two of you sat there in silence, just savoring each other's embrace. Soon, your grip on him loosened and your eyes grew heavy. Tate smiled down at you lovingly. He leaned back, laying down on your bed, pulling you down to rest on his chest, being careful to not move you too much.
Soft snores started emanating from you as you finally found the blissful release of sleep in your boyfriend’s arms.
tags: @jamespotterslover @ahsxual @twinkiemaximoff @1800-fuckbitchesgetmoney @thatspookyagent @shadyspears @amourtentiaa @rottenstyx @tates-radio @hallecarey1 @im-verysad @tatesxthumbring @imaloserbabysowhydontyourailme @evilcr0ne @hocksetters @milly-louise @slut4kaiya @larawrrites
if your user is crossed out, it means i can't tag you!
#imagine#imagines#x reader#oneshot#american horror story#ahs#american horror story imagine#american horror story smut#american horror story murder house#american horror story asylum#American horror story oneshot#ahs imagine#ahs smut#tate langdon#tate langdon oneshot#tate langdon imagine#tate langdon smut#tate langdon x reader#american horror story x reader#ahs x reader#murder house#tate langdon fanfic#tate langdon fanfiction#fanfic#fanfiction#ahs fanfic#ahs fanfiction#american horror story fanfic#American horror story fanfiction#murder house x reader
321 notes
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it’s been well over a year since i posted my writing in the ahs fandom. and, after a bit of searching the tags, i realized that the activity for michael langdon (in particular) has drastically decreased since i was last here
that being said, i have a couple stories that i never got around to finishing, as well as two series i left on hiatus. i, for sure, want to finish the series but let me know which one-shots you’re interested in. i would prefer to create stories that others are going to read and not just me
p.s. check out my other writing here and here (primarily michael langdon but also xavier plympton, duncan shepherd, and jim mason)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐧:
✿ class reunions are overrated || outpost!michael
you think class reunions are overrated but a series of events following a certain blonde friend change your mind
✿ it’s called magic, darling || dilf!michael x teacher!reader
all the teachers have a crush on the hot dad with the adorable daughter but he only has his eyes set on one
✿ you’re not my friend
you and michael have to work together on a new project. michael is used to everyone falling at his feet, but he’s in for a rude awakening you could give zero fucks || inspired by therefore i am - billie eilish
✿ how did we get here?
you watch as michael changes into someone he’s not, leaving you questioning your relationship || inspired by decode - paramore
𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬:
✿ no body, no crime feat. detective!duncan shepherd || preview here
the good detective comes to you with a mystery he thinks he’s solved, only to discover just how wrong he is || inspired by no body, no crime - taylor swift
✿ a helping hand || fem!reader, set in the outpost
your meeting with langdon takes an awry turn when he brings up something from your past
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
✿ 1984 x Coven x Apocalypse crossover || fem!reader, implied!poc
the year is 1984, you’re on the road with your cousin and everything seems to be going well. however, it all starts going to shit as soon as you set foot in that camp
chapter 1: the start of a wonderful summer | chapter 2: what donkey? | chapter 3: cece and freddy
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
#ahs x reader#michael langdon x reader#duncan sheperd x reader#michael langdon fanfiction#xavier plympton x reader#american horror story x reader#cody fern x reader#ahs fanfic#ahs fic
115 notes
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F.I.T — Fucking In The Afterlife - ,, yandere ghost Kai Anderson
cw(s): yandere themes, general Kai Anderson fuckery, asphyxiation, drugging, religious imagery, suggestive themes
☾ You really thought his death would be the end of all of it. He stalked you, harassed you, tried to assault you when he was still breathing. He sent his followers after you and kidnapped you. You barely made it out alive. At least you didn't have any physical scars. The hickeys faded away after a few weeks. Why all this you may ask? You were the perfect representation of something pure in this dark world. Your eyes didn't hold the same disdain towards him that everyone else's did. Maybe it was just his imagination, but he saw it. He swears he did.
☾ Once he crossed over to the other side he has nowhere to go. He had been betrayed by back stabbing bitches. That female, Ally, had been the reason for all of it. It's what he suspected and what he found out after his death. He connected all of the pieces and decided to play payback. He was just wandering the streets after all. So he did it. He killed her. He killed the rest of her family that he could find (that was in Michigan). He took down her little 'cult' and all of her pathetic 'connections'. It was all over the news. No one knew who did it. He wanted it that way. After that, he was all alone in the afterlife once again.
☾ He was stuck in Michigan. He was tied to the very earth of the state. He wasn't able to leave much of the town either. It was weird. The boundaries of him being able to move kept changing. He needed to find a way out of it. An opportunity was presented to him so naturally he took it.
☾ The revenge demon manifested itself in front of him. This demon was the one that had been allowing him to walk over the earth. This demon was the one that manipulated those spiritual boundaries for him. It presented itself with the name Ultio, meaning revenge in Latin. Kai could be able to walk upon the earth, present himself as a human, and have a demon at his side. With a few conditions, of course. Kai had to sell his soul to the demon and he also had to feed it with human souls. Perfect.
☾ After making the deal the first person he went to was you. He broke into your house— it was pretty much his anyway. You just don't know that yet. He crawled into your bed and woke you up with kisses all over your face. No matter how hard you fought he kept you in his arms. 'Stop struggling, bitch. You better not have fucked anyone other than me. I'll kill any of your side pieces and sacrifice them.' He wouldn't admit it, but he melted into your presence. He choked you until you fell asleep. Stupid whore. He loves you but you were gonna report him to the authorities. That is stupid whore behavior. He doesn't have time for that shit.
☾ In the morning he has a short conversation with you again. He hushes your warnings tenderly. He swears at you and threatens to kill you if you move. You try to escape again when he talks about moving you somewhere else. Naturally, he wraps his arms around your neck again and chokes you until you pass out. You liked it everytime before. There's no need for you to complain now.
☾ He kidnaps you and keeps you drugged for a few weeks as he sets everything up. He has Ultio watch you and threatens it. If it so much as lays a hand on you the deal is off. It just enjoys getting under Kai's skin.
☾ Kai rebuilds his cult while you are under your drug haze. He paints himself as the messiah of the world. See? He rose from the dead! He is the second coming of Christ! FIT grows to hundreds of thousands—millions—in just a few weeks. As long as the cult sacrifices non-believers to Ultio it keeps growing. It is still mostly underground as the followers keep his second coming a secret. There are whispers but Kai refuses to make the same mistake again. His regulations and rules are even tighter this time. Rats and liars get sacrificed to the revenge demon.
☾ He lies and wipes away any thoughts of his death. He rids everyone else who thought he had died. He speaks his condolences to the loss of the woman who had him killed. He acts like he is nothing but the victim of a woman who had manipulated him. This female, Ally, had made do those horrible things. It wasn't his fault. It was hers. He gets in good with the public once again. In the next election he becomes the governor of Michigan.
☾ It all comes back to you now. Once you fully awake he demands you make him dinner. He drags you into the kitchen and glares at you as you make something with the groceries he bought. Ultio is in the back of his mind. It's trying to convince him to just take you right then and there. It speaks such lewd thoughts into his mind. It makes him hard and he glares at you if you notice his problem. He won't allow the revenge demon to break his concentration. He needs his manwich, dammit! He needs to have a conversation with you. You two can 'make up' after that. Still, it's so hard. Ultio keeps telling him how much of a pretty partner you'd make. It whispers of how attractive you are in your natural state. It makes observations at how good of an at home spouse you'd make. You could hold his messiah baby so well. You'd look so good with a baby attached at your hip.
☾ He snaps from those thoughts when you finish dinner. He eats the food like it's his last meal. He won't tell you how much he wants to reach across the table and have you beneath him. How much he misses that bratty mouth of yours. He shoos his desires and Ultio away in his mind. He gets very serious and has a heartfelt conversation with you. He refrained from even calling you a list of profanities because of what you did while he was 'dead'. He tells you of what will happen now. He speaks of how you will be like the virgin Mary. You have been reborn as his spouse and now the both of you will rule together. You just need to sit at his side, clean his house, make his food, and occasionally whisper those intelligent words of yours into his ear. Perhaps intelligent is a bit of a stretch, but at the least you can be a little helpful. He tells you the basic information about the revenge demon. It's really nothing that you have to worry your dumb, ditzy head about.
☾ He makes sure everyone in the cult has heard of you. He only allows his inner circle to see you. You can be good for secretly attending his meetings and being an ear for him. He is also able to tell if you're lying because of Ultio. So it is really a win-win situation for him. He won't allow any member to touch you though. That is the only thing. Even if the others haven't seen you, they have a sneaking suspicion that it is you Kai is always speaking of. Just by the way his eyes always land on yours during meetings. By the way he tenses whenever another member interacts with you. By the fact that you always leave with him.
☾ Kai has his ghost abilities. Ultio may be able to make him temporarily human but he is still technically dead. He isn't even undead. He's just dead with a sometimes living recreation of his body. During the times when he is able to just be full ghost— well, he uses those times to the fullest extent. He will be there but not appear. He'll just watch you. He'll jot anything down you do that displeases him. He'll stack each punishment up. Sometimes he appears right behind you with a smug and knowing expression. 'Acting naughty, are we? Do you need to be taught who your master is again?'
☾ You should always assume that you are never alone. You should always assume either Kai or the revenge demon is watching you. They are just waiting for you to slip up. Kai just loves teaching you how below him you are.
☾ The cult grows, grows, and grows some more. Kai gains more power as this seconding coming and God-like creature. You are stuck at his side. You know all his secrets and you are sworn to never tell a soul. He will kill you if he has to.
☾ Ghost Kai is so obsessed with the thought of killing you. You are his messiah mommy, his virgin Mary, his future house spouse. He just wants to kill you so that he is able to keep you forever. He'll lock your soul away in a ring he wears so you'll be attached to it. That way he is always able to have you. That way you always have to stay with him because your energy is in the ring. It's such a romantic gesture to him. You ultimately submitting to his will through the ring(s) you both are married with.
☾ Unfortunately, that thought will have to stay a thought... for now. He needs to appear more of a family man in some of demographics. So of course he finally shows you to the world. He tells everyone that you are planning to have a baby. That he stands with Americans. Family first. How exactly would a semi-ghost-ghost have a baby with a human? Well, Kai is no longer a ghost. He is a demon. So there's no need to worry of complications. The baby will be just fine.
☾ Wait— Kai is a demon? Yes. Due to his influence growing Kai knew the revenge demon would want more. He knew it would want more of everything. He couldn't stand it. So he completed a ritual he found on Reddit. He managed to trick Ultio as he tore out his heart. He devoured it. He did the rest of the ritual and became a demon. He is now the revenge demon. The only real complication that comes from it is him not being able to be near religious things. As long as he has his wards up, and is being blasphemous towards God, he is safe. He still fears is cautious about being exposed.
☾ In his demon form he is trying to make that messiah baby as soon as possible. The people want to see him with a child. He needs to marry you as well. He needs it to look good for his presidential run! He's trying all day and night. He'll even use magic if he has to. He will not be adopting a baby. And yes, he will be mad if you try to make a baby girl. He will just make sure it is a boy while it is still in its early stages.
☾ It's extremely hard for him to control his demonic urges. He has all these new abilities that he wants to try out. He has cemented himself as a worthy cult leader and a possible presidential candidate— and now he just wants you. He craves you. He craves to be near you. He craves to be inside you 24/7. He wants to crawl into your soul and wrap himself around it.
☾ He spends a lot of time on your chest because of that. He is absolutely enthralled with your heartbeat. He is addicted to hearing the sound of your blood rushing. He is still himself but he's also a bit more now. It's strange to him. He always craves you and your attention. It's like a plague. He did before, but being a cult leader and running the world were more important. Now— it's only you.
☾ He would place ghostly marks on you before. This was as a way to mark his territory over you. He does something more extreme with his new-found demonic powers. He marks your soul. He brands his marking into your right shoulder which brands into your soul. It doesn't exactly hurt. It more feels like you have mild heartburn. Oh boy, it makes Kai incredibly proud. He doesn't show it. He doesn't even explain what the mark is. He just tells you not to worry. 'Little lamb, has your divine leader ever led you astray?'
☾ He marries you soon after he gives you the mark. He makes sure that you have no chance to escape. If you aren't already pregnant or cannot get pregnant, he'll use his magic to make it so. He'll do everything to keep his not so virgin Mary with him— ghost or not.
taglist: @bluerthanvelvet444 @cxndiedvi0lets @coentinim @slutforgarlogan
#american horror story#yandere#ahs headcanons#headcanons and stuff#my headcanons#yandere ahs#yandere american horror story#american horror story x reader#yandere american horror story x reader#ahs yandere headcanons#yandere headcanons#kai anderson x you#kai anderson#kai anderson x reader#yandere kai anderson x you#yandere kai anderson#yandere kai anderson x reader#yandere writing
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Tate Langdon x Male Reader
• Série: American Horror Story - Murder House
• Personagem: Tate Langdon
• Gêneros: romance e terror/dark
• Sinopse: você está cansado das ameaças, das brigas por motivos idiotas, dos gritos e, principalmente, dos segredos. Apesar de estarem juntos, você sente que não o conhece. Mas, no fim das contas, a omissão é o que os une.
☢️ Avisos: morte, sangue, violência, "suicídio" (as aspas farão sentido) e relacionamento tóxico.
• Palavras: 1.5k
1° pessoa - passado
Tate Langdon era um poço, e em suas profundezas existia algo profano, tão medonho e estranho que ele se sentia na obrigação de esconder.
Seus esforços em me afastar da verdade sombria diziam respeito às suas falhas tentativas de me manter por perto.
Ele afirmava ser melhor assim. Tate falava que tudo o que fazia era para o bem do nosso namoro.
Mas a verdadeira praga que nos afligia eram os seus segredos. Se o que ele omitia não rompesse com tudo, sua falta de confiança iria.
Nosso relacionamento era uma árvore em seu leito de morte; na ausência de folhas para o vento levar, com os frutos podres e as raízes sem a força que já tiveram... o que restava era aguardar a queda.
Mas após tanto desgaste, pegar um machado e acabar com o padecer de uma vez parecia muito mais apropriado.
Afoito, eu descia as escadas, ignorando a existência de alguns degraus, pulando vários deles para chegar mais rápido ao meu destino, que, no caso, seria qualquer lugar longe de Tate.
— M/n, espera! Por favor...
O loiro me seguia e eu fingia não o ouvir. Mas se tornou impossível ignorar os sentimentos quando ele me alcançou no hall de entrada, segurando meu pulso.
Seu toque me irritava, sua voz me magoava, o simples fato de ele existir ali, na minha frente, era o que me incomodava.
— O que você quer? – puxei meu braço para longe de suas mãos e enfrentei seu olhar marejado. — Já não fez o suficiente estragando o que a gente tinha?
Tate não era uma boa pessoa, eu sabia disso. Ele falava coisas esquisitas às vezes, algumas até compartilhávamos juntos, mas o limiar dos problemas trincava as pétalas, e as flores, que um dia foram belas, murchavam.
Mesmo com suas facetas ruins marcadas em mim, eu o amava, e proferir o contrário seria tão desonesto quanto afirmar que eu estou bem com essa situação.
— Você não quis dizer isso. – ele murmurou em um fio de voz. A respiração dele estava pesada, seu peito subia e descia sem uma pausa descente. As lágrimas escorreram e ele nem percebeu.
Eu conhecia muito bem esses sinais...
Tate vai explodir a qualquer momento, e eu poderia desencadear essa crise se prosseguisse com a discussão.
— Ah, eu quis sim! – me aproximei de seu corpo estático. — Eu não te conheço, Tate! Não sei quase nada sobre a droga do seu passado! Apesar de gostar muito dos nossos momentos juntos, eu não posso ficar com alguém que esconde as coisas de mim!
Eu era dependente dele.
— Porque eu sei que você vai me abandonar se descobrir, porra! E eu não conseguiria viver sem você... Entenda que isso é por nós dois!
Mas ele era muito mais dependente de mim.
A diferença é que estou tentando mudar, e Tate não conseguia.
— Se esse segredo é tão ruim ao ponto de poder me afastar de você, então por que não terminamos de uma vez?
— Você é a única coisa boa que já me aconteceu, eu não posso te perder! – Tate se aproximou, mas eu recuei. Ele me encarou com seus olhos vermelhos e inchados, mágoa e frustração brilhando feito lume em seus sentinelas.
— Você já tá me perdendo, Tate.
Me segurei tanto... Precisei me manter firme.
Um terremoto interno balançava o meu emocional confuso. — Feito o trouxa apaixonado que sou, vou te ver como persuasivo e misterioso, mesmo você não passando de um puta mentiroso manipulador!
Era um alívio enorme jogar tudo para fora, mas tão revoltante e lamentável saber que cheguei ao ponto de precisar expurgar coisas que não deviam existir.
Como aquele amor inexplicável, que não deveria passar de repúdio incondicional.
Eu não devia amá-lo, mas amava, e isso me matava.
Tate não expressou nada em palavras. Nós nos encaramos em desavença, e assim como eu, ele parecia sufocar em um turbilhão de pensamentos.
A primeira reação do loiro foi agarrar o meu braço e me puxar de volta ao andar de cima. Tentei me livrar de seu aperto, puxando meu braço na direção oposta à qual era guiado, mas Tate ignorou meus protestos, firmando seu toque a cada tentativa falha de me desvencilhar.
— Qual é o seu problema?! – minha voz soou em níveis estridentes de revolta.
— Vários, mas isso não vem ao caso. – um pouco a frente, testemunhei o olhar vazio de Tate em mim. — Vou revelar pra você o que tanto quer saber.
Talvez eu devesse sentir medo ou possuir algum tipo de receio, mas a satisfação foi o que prevaleceu.
. . .
Espaços escuros me incomodavam, mas o que verdadeiramente me causou calafrios nesse lugar não foi o fato de não conseguir enxergar as coisas ao redor. O sótão era o cômodo, dentre vários outros, que mais me trazia sensações ruins na casa. Eu sentia presenças aqui, não somente a de Tate.
Eu sabia que com o loiro também era assim, mas ele não encarava a situação como eu.
De manhã, o encontrei conversando com alguém por aqui. De acordo com as palavras que ele utilizava e com seu tom de voz, Tate estava dando bronca em uma criança. Quando subi, ele havia ficado em silêncio, me encarando assustado. Não tinha ninguém com ele, mas no fundo da sala, onde se acumulava entulho e a escuridão era abundante, ecoava o som de correntes sendo arrastadas. Tate inventou uma desculpa suja, e foi naquele momento que eu percebi que o buraco era muito mais profundo.
Foi esse o motivo da nossa briga antes de ele me trazer aqui novamente. Imaginei que, para esclarecer todas as interrogação que rondam minha cabeça sobre ele e as coisas que ele sabia sobre essa casa.
Tate puxou o cordãozinho da lâmpada, deixando o ambiente um pouco iluminado. Ele não proferiu nada. Nós dois estávamos próximos, compartilhando o silêncio.
Os olhos de Tate pareciam profundos, completamente indecifráveis. A luz era fraca, eu tinha apenas o contorno de sua face em evidência. Ele permaneceu mudo.
Está tentando me assustar? No máximo, conseguiu me irritar ainda mais. Sentia que estava perdendo o meu tempo.
— Desembucha, Tate! – ele engoliu a saliva como se fosse areia. Parecia estar criando coragem para algo. Novamente, longos minutos de quietude torturaram minha mente ansiosa. — Se você não tem nada pra dizer, pelo menos avise, aí eu saio daqui e faço questão de nunca mais olhar na sua cara. – como um disco pausado, o desgraçado permaneceu na teimosa imobilidade. — Que inferno, Tate! O que você quer? Se for a mim, sugiro que abra a porra do bico!
Todo o frenesi que se seguiu eclodiu em segundos, mas para mim, perdurou em demasia.
Tate estava em meu rosto, na minha camiseta, escorria por meu corpo. Seu sangue jorrou em gotículas violentas. Sentia o gosto ferroso nos meus lábios. O vermelho domou minha visão, estava por todos os lados.
Tate havia tirado um canivete do bolso. Eu não consegui reagir, não me dei por mim, e quando dei, era tarde. A lâmina refletiu nos meus olhos, o brilho dela me cegou, e na piscadela seguinte, ela já havia sumido.
Estava dentro de Tate. O loiro perfurou o próprio pescoço. Com a mão firme no cabo de madeira, ele arrastou o objeto cortante por toda a extensão de pele fina, rompendo os músculos, destroçando a carne, fazendo o fluido rubro vazar em abundância, se afogando com sangue e me encharcando de si.
Eu não pude fazer nada, e não sabia se podia. O corpo dele estava estirado no chão, bem no centro de uma piscina com o líquido perdido. Os olhos dele permaneceram abertos e exalavam a mesma energia de quando ele estava vivo, há segundos atrás. A luz fez uma cópia de mim em seu sangue, via o meu reflexo no vermelho.
As lágrimas preencheram meus olhos e tudo se tornou um borrão. Meus órgãos tremiam. Senti meu intestino formigar, como se minhas tripas estrangulassem o meu coração. Tudo queimava. O ar não inchava os pulmões e meus lábios estavam secos; foi o que antecedeu o grito que subiu pela minha garganta, surgindo das profundezas, vindo de um lugar que eu não conhecia.
Toda a agonia, desamparo e impotência atravessaram o corredor da fala, deixando rastros de chamas, fazendo arder.
A dor era tanta que me fez perder a voz, e no lugar do brado, predominou o clamor mudo.
— Tate... – proferi seu nome quando tive as forças necessárias para agir. Me sentei no piso, colocando a cabeça do outro garoto no meu colo. Não sabia o que fazer, minha mente estava presa em um vazio assustador. Senti as lágrimas descerem sem pausa.
— Agora você sabe. – a voz conhecida veio por trás. Me virei e encontrei Tate, em pé, e ao voltar os mirantes para o corpo ensanguentado, ele não estava mais lá.
#marrziy!fics#imagines#male reader#imagine#leitor masculino#male!reader#x male reader#dark imagines#dark fic#ahs imagine#ahs fandom#ahs x reader#ahs murder house#ahs x male reader#ahs#american horror story#american horror story x reader#american horror story x male reader#lgbtq#gay#bisexual#tate langdon x male reader#tate langdon#tate langdon x reader#tate langdon x you
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Bisexual Lighting | Kyle Spencer x Reader



Summery: Valentine's Day parties are always great. Especially when you're being flirted with by the frat guy who's been chasing you for weeks.
Themes: Fluff, Frat Boy!Kyle, Not Bad Ever Happens, Drinking, Golden Retriever!Kyle, Grumpy!Reader (sorry i was angy), Kyle is madly in love with Reader (who keeps rejecting him).
Word Count: 529
@sometimescherwrites here you go whore
The music blared in the large living area of the dorm. It was honestly annoying, making your head hurt. That was until you got another reason to have a head ache: Kyle fucking Spencer.
No matter how little of a party you went to, the bleach blond frat boy found you around like a lost puppy, thematically adorn with puppy dog eyes as he'd watch towards you with two drinks in his hand.
"Hey." He says smoothly. You can't help but roll your eyes, taking the cup from his hand. "You sure are quiet tonight." You groan, which makes him think you're inviting him to speak more. "What's wrong? Not enjoying all the hearts and shit?"
This actually causes you to laugh slightly, "No, I'm just not sure why Cupid's shot you." You grumble, taking a swig. He chuckles, taking a step closer.
"Well, actually, I've been thinking..." Kyle trails off, looking at you, eyes flickering over your face before continuing. "Don't you wanna meet when we're both not getting drunk and forgetting this whole 'college' bullshit?"
"Uh, no. I actually prefer not seeing you sober, Kyle."
He snickers slight, shaking his head, "No, I'm serious. Maybe it's the lighting or whatever, but I promise I'm a pretty cool guy." He looks around, "What's this lighting called again... uh..."
You look at him as he taps his chin, eyes lighting up. "Ah, bisexual lighting. That's it." He looks at you again, smiling. "You heard about that, right?"
You roll your eyes, groaning as you start to walk away. Of course, the man persists. "Oh, what, you're not homophobic are you?" He laughs, leaning over you as you walk, his long legs eating up the distance.
"What? No!" You push him away, "You're joking, right?"
"No, I mean, I was just making sure. Can't be falling head over heels for a bigot, now can I?" Kyle smiles, looking at you with a goofy grin.
You groan, walking fast as you go to the entrance. He cuts in front of you, "Come on. One chance. Let's get outta here and uh... Let's just take, ya know?"
You look at him, sighing before chugging the rest of your drink and throwing it away. "You know what? Fine. Whatever."
This causes Kyle to grin ear to ear, immediately grabbing your hand and pulling you away. "You won't regret this, I promise you." He says, pulling you into the campus and giggling to himself like a school girl.
"You sure about that?" You mumble, making sure he can't hear you.
He sits you on a bench and stand in front of you, looking at you in shock for a moment, not really sure what to do. "Look, alright? I'm like, really bad at this, actually..." He laughs, "I do really like you, alright? I think you're kind, funny, cute. I just really wanted to ditch that party anyways."
You laugh softly, watching him as he talks with his hands and paces slightly, sway side to side. This version of Kyle is actually... Charming? You could get used to it. You stand as take one of his waving hands.
"Fine, let's go for a walk."
#ahs#ahs kyle#ahs x reader#american horror story#american horror story coven#american horror story kyle#american horror story x reader#evan peters#kyle spencer#kyle spencer x reader#x reader
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hiii!! my name is andromeda, i am eighteen years old (a gemini!!), i am an INFP-T, and i am from the USA. I speak english and a bit of Italian (more understanding than speaking/writing), and i really want to start writing fanfics, so if anyone has any suggestions or requests please ask!!
i’m willing to write x readers, reader inserts, and headcanons!!! however i will keep everything sfw since i'm not comfortable writing anything other than that right now lols
media i can write about:
• The Lost Boys
• Miraculous Ladybug
• Harry Potter + Hogwarts Legacy
• My Hero Academia
• The Umbrella Academy
• Descendants
• Marvel + X-men
• Diary of a Wimpy Kid
• American Horror Story
• Avatar: The Last Airbender (OG+Live Action)
• One Piece (Live Action)
• The Arcana
• Stardew Valley
• Obey Me! Shall We Date?
• A Series Of Unfortunate Events
• Wednesday (tv show)
• Ouran High-school Host Club
• and more!!
* what i'm hoping to do on this page is create more inclusive x readers/fanfics! i want to make sure that more people can relate to fanfics since i always seem to see the very same things over and over again. :0 * so for my hyper-feminine readers, masculine readers, poc readers, tall readers, plus size readers, gender-neutral readers, + i got you ( ˘ ³˘)
(i will continue to update this post, possibly with links!) ♡*<3
#fanfiction#fanfic#the lost boys x reader#miraculous ladybug x reader#my hero academia x reader#the umbrella academy x reader#descendants x reader#marvel x reader#x men x reader#diary of a wimpy kid x reader#american horror story x reader#avatar the last airbender x reader#opla x reader#the arcana x reader#stardew valley x reader#obey me! x reader#a series of unfortunate events x reader#wednesday x reader#andromedathelovely#ouran high school host club x reader
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..who do i write for ?


✩ everyone i write for might not be in my masterlist yet because i haven’t published anything about them — but that doesn’t mean i won’t
✩ i generally only write for female readers, so if you want anything else specify so in your request
✩ as long as my requests are open any one of these characters are available to send in!
˗ˏˋʚ SKINS UK ɞˎˊ˗
gen two —
cook, freddie, jj, effy, emily, naomi, katie
gen three —
rich, alo, nick, mini, grace (but basically anyone because it’s my favorite gen)
general tbbt —
sheldon, raj, howard, leonard, bernadette, amy, penny, stuart
young sheldon —
romantic; georgie, mary, pastor rob, connie
platonic; missy, sheldon
male —
austin!elvis, benedict bridgerton, steve harrington, eddie munson, rory!euro, carl grimes, carl gallagher, lip gallagher, phil dunphy, luke dunphy, leo!jim carroll, cillian!oppenheimer, harry potter, ron weasley, mike wheeler, neteyam sully, jj maybank, james maguire
female —
daphne bridgerton, eloise bridgerton, violet bridgerton, nancy wheeler, robin buckley, fiona gallagher, haley dunphy, clare dunphy, gloria pritchett, blair waldorf, ginny weasley, hermione granger, fiona goode, zoe benson, madison montgomery, misty day, beth harmon, michelle mallon, orla mccool, clare devlin, erin quinn
#qtkat#x reader#x reader masterlist#bridgerton x reader#stranger things x reader#skins uk x reader#avatar x reader#gossip girl x reader#american horror story x reader#elvis presley x reader#robert oppenheimer x reader#jim carroll x reader#modern family x reader#harry potter x reader#shameless x reader#outer banks x reader#the queen’s gambit x reader#derry girls x reader
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